Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cottondale, AL 35453
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cottondale AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Benville Baptist Church | 205-553-1777 | Skyland Blvd | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Church of Christ Cottondale | 205-553-1444 | 2025 Prude Mill Rd | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Church of the Firstborn | 205-554-0184 | 3315 Jordan McGee Rd | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Cottondale Baptist Church | 205-553-0610 | 2001 Church St | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Cottondale United Methodist Churc | 205-553-0224 | Old Cottondale Rd | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Enterprise Baptist Church | 205-554-1016 | 15705 Highway 11 N | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Fairview Wesleyan Church | 205-553-5898 | 7667 Hargrove Rd E | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Faith Community Church | 205-562-0065 | 4240 Buttermilk Rd | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Fleetwood Peterson Baptist Church | 205-553-9203 | 13541 Highway 216 | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 205-553-2223 | Hargrove Rd E | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
New Asia Missionary Baptist Church | 205-556-3090 | 10993 Hagler Coaling Rd | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
New Haven Baptist Church | 205-556-2160 | 1809 59th Ave E | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
New Life Outreach | 205-556-4340 | 6331 University Blvd E | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Old Salem Baptist Church | 205-556-9594 | 9301 Wire Rd | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Tuscaloosa Primitive Baptist Church | 205-553-0210 | 5102 University Blvd E | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
Tuscaloosa's Eastview Church | 205-553-5008 | 6400 Mary Ford Blvd | Cottondale | AL | 35453 |
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