Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Northport, AL 35475
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Northport AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arbor Springs Baptist Church | 205-339-4774 | 17457 Finnell Rd | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Campground United Methodist Churc | 205-339-7223 | 20530 Highway 43 N | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Carroll's Creek Baptist Church | 205-339-1742 | 14247 Highway 69 N | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Christ Harbor United Methodist Churc | 205-339-7161 | 13650 Highway 43 N | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Grace Baptist Church | 205-333-2572 | 12143 Lary Lake Rd | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Holly Springs Baptist Church | 205-333-8636 | 16460 Searcy Rd | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Lakewood Baptist Church | 205-333-0414 | 14468 Highway 43 N | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Macedonia United Methodist Churc | 205-339-6360 | 14805 Highway 69 N | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Mt Zion Freewill Baptist Church | 205-339-0877 | 15378 Mount Zion Church Rd | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Sulphur Springs Freewill Baptis | 205-339-6800 | 21137 Old Jasper Rd | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Vineyard Community Church | 205-292-0865 | 3921 Frontier St | Northport | AL | 35475 |
Windham Springs Baptist Church | 205-330-0502 | 20105 Highway 69 N | Northport | AL | 35475 |
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