Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Northport, AL 35476
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Northport AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Nations Church of Jesus Christ | 205-330-8177 | 2731 Lurleen B Wallace Bl | Northport | AL | 35476 |
First Baptist Church | 205-345-3605 | 1401 12th St | Northport | AL | 35476 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 205-339-7302 | 2401 Lurleen B Wallace Bl | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Living Praise Worship Center | 205-750-8202 | 1015 Lurleen B Wallace Bl | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Mt Galilee Baptist Church | 205-758-6706 | 2906 19th St | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Mt Pilgrim Baptist Church | 205-391-0029 | 4509 Carter Dr | Northport | AL | 35476 |
N A B Religious Center | 205-759-2954 | 1629 Mrtn Lthr Kng Jr | Northport | AL | 35476 |
New Beginnings Family Worship Center | 205-333-0695 | 1950 Park West Dr | Northport | AL | 35476 |
New Dimension Ministries | 205-333-3230 | 2200 Main Ave | Northport | AL | 35476 |
New Prospect Baptist Church | 205-333-1392 | 6816 5th St | Northport | AL | 35476 |
New Zion Baptist Church | 205-752-8790 | 1317 Martin Luther King J | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Northport Baptist Church | 205-345-0100 | 1004 Main Ave | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Northport Church of God | 205-339-5115 | 2412 Lurleen B Wallace Bl | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Northport First United Methodist Churc | 205-758-4703 | 700 Main Ave | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Porter St Paul Cme Church | 205-758-3409 | 913 Bridge Ave | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Trinity Christian Center | 205-333-7906 | 7115 McFarland Blvd | Northport | AL | 35476 |
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