Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fort Smith, AR 72901
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fort Smith AR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acts-Tv Channel 2 | 479-788-6100 | 1400 Grand Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Bible Missionary Church | 479-646-7468 | 502 Xavier St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Bluff Ave Bapt Church | 479-782-5800 | 2300 Bluff Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Calvary Assembly of God Church | 479-646-7482 | 1700 Jackson St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Central Baptist Church | 479-646-9431 | 3631 Jenny Lind Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Central Presbyterian Church | 479-783-8966 | 2901 Rogers Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Christ for the World Outreach Center | 479-649-5970 | 4600 Towson Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Church of Christ Park Hill | 479-782-2415 | 1914 Jenny Lind Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Community Rescue Mission Inc | 479-782-1443 | 310 North St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Faith Baptist Church | 479-646-8626 | 1302 Independence St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Faith Outreach | 479-648-9445 | 5324 S 31st St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
First Lutheran Church Missouri Synod | 479-785-2886 | 419 N 12th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
First Presbyterian Church | 479-783-8919 | 116 N 12th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
First Southern Baptist Church | 479-452-4889 | 12 W Central Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
First United Methodist Church | 479-782-5068 | 200 N 15th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Harvest Time Tabernacle | 479-646-6001 | I 540 & Hwy 71 S | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Heritage Baptist Church | 479-646-3746 | 4600 Jenny Lind Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Immaculate Conception Church | 479-783-7963 | 22 N 13th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Immanuel Baptist Church | 479-782-1009 | 2201 Dallas St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Integrity Ministries | 479-782-5433 | 123 N 6th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall | 479-646-5680 | 706 Xavier St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Living Faith Missionary Baptist Church | 479-648-7300 | 12515 Highway 253 | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Mission United Methodist Churc | 479-782-0612 | 721 N 10th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Ninth Street Baptist Church | 479-782-0055 | 1023 N 9th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Ree Sidney Rev Study | 479-646-3071 | 1506 Phoenix Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
River Valley Vineyard | 479-646-6229 | 5211 S 29th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
South Side Baptist Church | 479-782-5041 | 2400 Dodson Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Spradling Baptist Church | 479-782-4659 | 3515 Waldron Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
St John's Episcopal Church | 479-782-9912 | 215 N 6th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Temple Baptist Church | 479-646-1241 | 5100 S 31st St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Unity Church of Positive Christ | 479-783-8168 | 906 N B St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Unity Missionary Baptist Church | 479-782-6568 | 1301 N 13th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Vietnamese Gospel Baptist Church | 479-783-2108 | 1520 Jenny Lind Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 479-646-9702 | 2200 Phoenix Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Wesley United Methodist Church Rock Hou | 479-646-5918 | 4800 S 22nd St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
Westside Baptist Church | 479-782-6334 | 503 N J St | Fort Smith | AR | 72901 |
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