Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fort Smith, AR 72903
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fort Smith AR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Collegiate Ministry | 479-478-0315 | 505 N 51st St | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Central Christian Church | 479-452-1901 | 400 N Waldron Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Church of Christ | 479-782-0588 | 2323 S 46th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Church of God 7th Day | 479-452-6245 | 3915 Massard Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 479-484-5304 | 8712 Horan Dr | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Church of the Pines | 479-461-0947 | 2120 S Waldron Rd Ste 102A | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Community Bible Church | 479-452-9201 | 9201 Dallas St | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Cumberland Presbyterian Church | 479-782-0454 | 605 N 47th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Dallas Oaks Presbyterian Ch | 479-484-7848 | 9000 Dallas St | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Eastside Baptist Church | 479-452-1481 | 2710 Massard Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Fellowship of Christian Athletes | 479-649-8815 | 3200 Old Greenwood Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
First Christian Church | 479-783-1139 | 3600 Free Ferry Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
In His Name | 479-782-9971 | 3103 Blackburn St | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Massard Baptist Church | 479-452-6447 | 8100 Rogers Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Methodist Church United Fort Smith Dist | 479-783-0385 | 3920 S U St | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
New Beginnings Christian Cente | 479-783-9953 | 3514 Kinkead Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Oak Cliff Baptist Church | 479-646-3891 | 3701 Gary St | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Parks Kenneth T Rev | 479-783-2101 | 2701 Old Greenwood Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
Riverview Fellowship Church | 479-452-3337 | 6101 Kinkead Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
St Luke Lutheran Church Elca | 479-452-2385 | 5401 Free Ferry Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
West Ark Church of Christ | 479-452-1240 | 900 N Waldron Rd | Fort Smith | AR | 72903 |
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