Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fort Smith, AR 72904
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fort Smith AR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Albert Pike Christian Church | 479-783-5393 | 2711 N Albert Pike Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 479-783-7279 | 2301 Midland Blvd | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
Church of the Living God Temple 8 | 479-784-9664 | 1729 N 13th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
First Baptist Church | 479-783-8878 | 3110 Kelley Hwy | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
First Church of God in Christ | 479-783-7072 | 2037 N 14th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
First Church of the Nazarene | 479-783-1878 | 4813 N O St | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 479-782-6657 | 4001 Armour Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
Gideons International | 479-783-3283 | 3937 Bradley Dr | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
Glory Land Christian Church | 479-783-9102 | 4401 Windsor Dr | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
Grand Avenue Baptist Church | 479-783-5161 | 3900 Grand Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
Higher Praise Ministries | 479-783-3044 | 3918 N 50th St | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Fort Smith East | 479-785-1510 | 4711 Kelley Hwy | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
King Solomon Christian Church | 479-782-7567 | 4400 N N St | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church | 479-782-2092 | 3509 Johnson St | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
Lao Baptist Church | 479-783-8351 | 3301 Walnut St | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 479-782-8316 | 1119 Division St | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
St Paul United Methodist Churc | 479-783-5908 | 4100 Grand Ave | Fort Smith | AR | 72904 |
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