Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Greenwood, AR 72936
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Greenwood AR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Burnville Baptist Church | 479-996-1779 | 3106 Lone Star Rd | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 479-996-6080 | 915 W Center St | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Church of the Nazarene | 479-996-4688 | RR 10 | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
City Harvest Pcg | 479-996-1663 | 507 S Dawson St | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
First Assembly of God | 479-996-6030 | Park & Hwy 10 Spur | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
First Baptist Church | 479-996-2166 | 5 N Adair | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 479-996-4374 | 504 S Fowler St | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Ch | 479-996-2466 | 103 W Denver St | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 479-996-7747 | 502 W Denver St | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Greenwood Church of Christ | 479-996-6635 | 406 E Center | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Jehovah's Witness | 479-996-7436 | 2911 E Highway 10 | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Jenny Lind Baptist Church | 479-996-2513 | 1910 Gate Nine Rd | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Liberty Missionary Baptist Church | 479-996-4611 | 705 E Gary St | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Methodist Church the United | 479-996-6397 | 509 W Denver St | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Valley View Church of Christ | 479-996-6040 | Highway 71 Excelsior | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
Westwood Baptist Church | 479-996-6220 | 2110 W Center St | Greenwood | AR | 72936 |
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