Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Fayetteville, AR 72701
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Fayetteville AR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bates Elementary School | 479-444-3084 | 601 S Buchanan Ave | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville High School | 479-444-3050 | 1001 W Stone St | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3075 | 1529 E Mission Blvd | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3073 | 425 N Highland Ave | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3041 | 800 S Church Ave | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3087 | 612 S College Ave | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3085 | 300 S Ray Ave | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3098 | 520 S Root | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3064 | 401 S Sang Ave | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3077 | 1124 W Cleveland St | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3058 | 2350 W Old Farmington Rd | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3000 | 950 W Stone St | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Fayetteville Public Schools | 479-444-3095 | 2335 W Stone St | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
Greenland Public Schools | 479-521-2366 | 55 N Sandy | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
St Joseph Catholic Church & School | 479-442-0890 | 1722 N Starr Dr | Fayetteville | AR | 72701 |
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