Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Peoria, AZ 85381
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Peoria AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostles Lutheran Church | 623-979-3497 | 7020 W Cactus Rd | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
Cross of Glory Lutheran Church | 623-362-8668 | 8249 W Thunderbird Rd | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
First Baptist Church of Peoria | 623-979-3239 | 8133 W Cactus Rd | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
Glendale Community Church | 623-487-0789 | 14341 N 81st Dr | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
Horizons Community Church | 623-878-0818 | 14120 N 79th Ave | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
Life in Christ Luthern Church | 623-773-1234 | 14802 N 75th Ave | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
New Life Community Church | 623-486-3737 | 8155 W Thunderbird Rd | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
Palm Valley Christian Church | 623-487-7822 | 14202 N 73rd Ave | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
Spirit of Hope United Methodist Churc | 623-334-9171 | 14403 N 75th Ave | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
Zion Ministries | 623-878-4203 | 7643 W Acoma Dr | Peoria | AZ | 85381 |
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