Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Phoenix, AZ 85009
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Phoenix AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
35th Avenue Baptist Church | 602-272-9052 | 2522 N 35th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Alzona Evangelical Lutheran Church | 602-278-0958 | 3366 W Roosevelt St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church | 602-233-2592 | 1622 N 39th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Apostolic Assembly in the Faith of Je | 602-272-7682 | 2526 N 36th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Centro Cristiano Alfa Y Omega | 602-352-0790 | 1312 N 31st Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Christian Life Church | 602-272-7389 | 3946 W McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Church of Spirit Awareness | 602-257-9338 | 2145 W Virginia Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Church on the Street | 602-257-8918 | 2040 W Washington St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Del Monte Missionary Baptist Church | 602-278-1060 | 3850 W Encanto Blvd | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Grace Temple Apostolic Church Pcaf | 602-272-7002 | 2937 W Almeria Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel | 602-272-5924 | 3620 W Grant St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Iglesia Evangelica Mexicana | 602-278-6924 | 2925 W Polk St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Life Tabernacle | 602-278-3889 | 550 N 35th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Neighborhood Ministries | 602-252-5225 | 1918 W Van Buren St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
True Deliverance Church of Jesus Christ | 602-252-2282 | 2445 W Washington St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
West Van Buren Baptist Church | 602-272-4120 | 2705 W Melvin St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
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