Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Phoenix, AZ 85029
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Phoenix AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church on Fire | 602-242-1551 | 10801 N 24th Ave Ste 107 | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Lutheran Church of the Master | 602-997-7439 | 2340 W Cactus Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Northminster Presbyterian Ch | 602-942-7530 | 13001 N 35th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Shadow Rock United Church of Chris | 602-993-0050 | 12861 N 8th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Shepherd of the Valley United Methodis | 602-942-9288 | 3039 W Cactus Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
St Andrew Lutheran Church | 602-942-5811 | 3101 W Cholla St | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Sustar Evangelistic Association | 602-997-5464 | 11042 N 24th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Trinity Bible Church | 602-298-0350 | 3424 W Peoria Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Westown First Southern Baptist Church | 602-993-8213 | 11415 N 35th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
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