Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Scottsdale, AZ 85254
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Scottsdale AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chaparral Christian Church | 480-991-9878 | 6451 E Shea Blvd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Immanuel Bible Church | 480-998-1166 | 6017 E Greenway Rd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Intimacy With Jesus Church | 480-991-7729 | 14415 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 100 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
La Casa De Cristo Lutheran Church | 480-948-1234 | 6300 E Bell Rd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
North Scottsdale United Methodist Churc | 480-948-0529 | 11735 N Scottsdale Rd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Oasis Community Church | 602-494-9557 | 15014 N 56th St | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Scottsdale Church | 480-948-4488 | 12000 N Scottsdale Rd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Scottsdale Nails | 480-443-4177 | 13610 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 26 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Scottsdale Worship Center | 480-483-2401 | 6508 E Cactus Rd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
St Nicholas Anglican Church | 480-922-9495 | 6789 E Cactus Rd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Tompkins Iverna Ministries | 480-443-8001 | 6002 E Voltaire Ave | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
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