Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Tempe, AZ 85281
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Tempe AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church Food Ban | 480-945-5250 | 455 E Continental Dr | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Alleluia Lutheran Student Ministr | 480-894-2610 | 1034 S Mill Ave | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
American Baptist Church of Tempe | 480-967-7303 | 1619 S Hardy Dr | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Baha'i Information Center | 480-804-1919 | 903 E Spence Ave | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Baptist Student Union | 480-968-0223 | 1322 S Mill Ave | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 480-967-6022 | 2066 E Don Carlos Ave | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Church on Mill The | 480-967-0569 | 1300 S Mill Ave | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Clint Rogers Ministries | 480-556-6060 | 2003 E 5th St Ste 7 | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Community Christian Church Disciple | 480-967-5266 | 1701 S College Ave | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Fil-Am Baptist Church | 480-968-7270 | 1101 S McClintock Dr | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
First United Methodist Church of Tempe | 480-967-3376 | 215 E University Dr | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Grace Baptist Church | 480-994-9425 | 2722 N College Ave | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Korean Global Mission Church of Arizo | 480-425-0691 | 536 E Fillmore St | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod | 480-967-2660 | Priest Rd & 11 St | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Praxis Church | 480-733-1736 | 971 S Ash Ave | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Sonrise Faith Community Center | 480-968-8858 | 2155 E University Dr | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
University Lutheran Church & Luther | 480-967-3543 | 340 E 15th St | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
Wesley Foundation | 480-966-8425 | 213 E University Dr | Tempe | AZ | 85281 |
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