Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Counseling in Phoenix, AZ 85018
* Each listing below of Counseling Information for Phoenix AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anderson Jacquelyn J Ma | 602-955-9298 | 4302 N 32nd St | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
Arizona Center for Mental Health P | 602-954-6700 | 5070 N 40th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
Arrowstar Counseling Center | 602-468-0018 | 3530 E Indian School Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
Boorn Wendy Mc Psychotherapy | 602-285-0990 | 4545 N 36th St Ste 122 | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
Burstein Alvin C MD | 602-957-2368 | 5070 N 40th St Ste 220 | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
Friedman David Psychiatrist | 602-852-0911 | 4222 E Camelback Rd Ste 230H | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
Good Shephard Counseling Cent | 602-957-4751 | 4227 N 32nd St | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
Johnson Patricia Dianne PhD P C | 602-957-1471 | 4202 N 32nd St Ste I | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
Polk Shirley H Rn Ms | 602-840-9701 | 5446 E Exeter Blvd | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
Waypoint Group Llc The | 602-952-8622 | 4455 E Camelback Rd Ste C246 | Phoenix | AZ | 85018 |
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