Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Machinery in Phoenix, AZ 85027
* Each listing below of Machinery Information for Phoenix AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Admiral Engineering & Mfg Co | 623-869-9257 | 21609 N 14th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Aero-Tech Engineering | 623-780-2121 | 1731 W Rose Garden Ln | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Arizona Research & Development | 623-582-4484 | 21615 N 2nd Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
C G Tech Inc | 623-492-9400 | 21631 N 3rd Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Evans Precision Machining | 623-581-6200 | 1535 W Parkside Ln | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Global Manufacturing Services | 623-780-3871 | 20801 N 21st Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
J B's Precision Industries Inc | 623-581-9088 | 21637 N 14th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Jet Products | 623-869-6749 | 2660 W Quail Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Lewis Aviation | 623-581-0764 | 1401 W Victory Ln | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Ohlinger Industries Inc | 602-285-0911 | 1211 W Melinda Ln | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Omega Machine | 623-434-5195 | 302 W Melinda Ln Ste 8 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Osborn Products Inc | 623-587-0335 | 1127 W Melinda Ln | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Powill Mfg & Engineering Inc | 623-780-4100 | 21039 N 27th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Ronco Precision Automatics Inc | 623-582-9898 | 1101 W Melinda Ln | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Siam Precision Inc | 623-580-8196 | 21411 N 14th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Solomon Engineering | 623-879-6788 | 329 W Melinda Ln | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Stewart Manufacturing Co Inc | 623-582-2261 | 1620 W Knudsen Dr | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Tek Industries Inc | 623-582-4451 | 2215 W Melinda Ln | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Tovey Engineering Inc | 623-434-5110 | 22602 N 17th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
Wal-Tek Industries | 623-587-4611 | 20804 N 20th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85027 |
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