Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Phoenix, AZ 85048
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Phoenix AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aaafc Ahwatukee Ankle & Foot Center | 480-893-1090 | 15810 S 45th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Ahwatukee Pediatrics Pc | 480-496-6444 | 4545 E Chandler Blvd Ste 104 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Arizona Medical Imaging Network | 480-753-6161 | 15810 S 45th St Ste 110 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Brown J David Dgn | 480-759-6737 | 4545 E Chandler Blvd | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Center for Urological Services Pc | 480-961-2323 | 4545 E Chandler Blvd Ste 300 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Farnworth Todd K MD | 480-759-3001 | 15810 S 45th St Ste 160 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Foothills Family Medicine | 480-961-2366 | 4545 E Chandler Blvd Ste 304 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Foothills Neurology | 480-961-2365 | 4530 E Muirwood Dr Ste 111 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Foothills New Image | 480-893-2228 | 4530 E Muirwood Dr Ste 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Marotz Robert J MD | 480-961-2330 | 4545 E Chandler Blvd Ste 202 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Millhollon Brian MD | 480-705-8844 | 4545 E Chandler Blvd Ste 110 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
University Sports Medicine | 480-222-3384 | 15810 S 45th St Ste 101 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
Whitman Richard J MD | 480-961-2355 | 4545 E Chandler Blvd Ste 200 | Phoenix | AZ | 85048 |
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