Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Scottsdale, AZ 85254
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Scottsdale AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
'57' Place | 602-996-1901 | 13650 N 57th Pl | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Aiello Patrick D MD | 602-953-3339 | 4845 E Thunderbird Rd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
American Foot & Ankle Specialists | 480-483-9000 | 10900 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 206 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Arizona Bone & Joint Specialists | 602-493-9361 | 5620 E Bell Rd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Arizona Otolaryngology Consultants P C | 480-948-2056 | 6565 E Greenway Pkwy Ste 101 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Barlow Carolyn R Do | 480-348-3200 | 6565 E Greenway Pkwy | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Barone Dominick A Do | 602-971-3700 | 4921 E Bell Rd | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Cohen Mariam Psychiatrist | 602-996-7920 | 4810 E Andora Dr | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Cummings Miriam P MD | 602-494-1817 | 4845 E Thunderbird Rd Ste 2 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Fertility Treatment Center | 480-998-9876 | 14861 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 115 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Gitt Jeffrey S Do Pc | 602-482-2116 | 4921 E Bell Rd Ste 204 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Guillen Ramiro MD | 480-367-1500 | 11333 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 280 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Kalyanam Pattabi MD | 480-991-3005 | 4921 E Bell Rd Ste 203 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Koldys Kenneth W MD | 480-998-1590 | 10900 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 106 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
O'neill William P MD | 480-998-7411 | 10869 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 103 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Paradise Valley Psychiatric Ser | 480-443-5107 | 7100 E Mescal St | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Perelman Alvin MD | 480-991-2230 | 10900 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 504 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Prince Gary MD | 602-274-1005 | 11000 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 180 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Seligmann Ralph MD | 480-443-0101 | 10900 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 203 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Simmonds Aesthetic Care | 480-905-9211 | 10900 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 606 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
Your Neighborhood Doctor | 480-948-7843 | 6345 E Bell Rd Ste 4 | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254 |
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