Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Phoenix, AZ 85009
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Phoenix AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Carl Hayden High School | 602-271-2400 | 3333 W Roosevelt St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Isaac Elementary School District 5 | 602-442-3200 | 1001 N 31st Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Isaac Elementary School District 5 | 602-442-2600 | 1700 N 41st Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Isaac Elementary School District 5 | 602-442-2800 | 3025 W McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Isaac Elementary School District 5 | 602-442-2400 | 3801 W Roanoke Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Isaac Elementary School District 5 | 602-442-2300 | 3842 W Roosevelt St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Isaac School District No 5 | 602-233-3321 | 3115 W McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Isaac School District No 5 | 602-455-6700 | 3348 W McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Isaac School District No 5 | 602-455-6800 | 3402 W McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Murphy Elementary School District | 602-353-5220 | 2 N 31st Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Murphy Elementary School District | 602-353-5110 | 1441 S 27th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Murphy Elementary School District | 602-353-5000 | 2615 W Buckeye Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Murphy Elementary School District | 602-353-5330 | 2020 W Durango St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Murphy Elementary School District | 602-353-5440 | 3201 W Sherman St | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
Phoenix Elementary School District | 602-257-6281 | 2535 N 24th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85009 |
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