Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Phoenix, AZ 85029
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Phoenix AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Academy of Arizona | 602-843-0681 | 13002 N 33rd Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Chaparral Elementary School | 602-896-5300 | 3808 W Joan De Arc Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Cholla Middle School | 602-896-5400 | 3120 W Cholla St | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Glendale Union High School District | 623-915-8000 | 3625 W Cactus Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Lakeview Elementary School | 602-896-5800 | 3040 W Yucca St | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Moon Mountain Elementary Scho | 602-896-6000 | 13425 N 19th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Sahuaro Elementary School | 602-896-6200 | 12835 N 33rd Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Schools Parochial | 602-942-5644 | 10815 N 35th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Schools Public | 602-896-6600 | 4001 W Laurel Ln | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Washington Elementary School District | 602-347-4200 | 12202 N 21st Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
Washington Elementary School District | 602-896-5277 | 12641 N 39th Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85029 |
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