Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Paradise Valley AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anderson's Dale Restaurant | 480-948-7910 | 7101 E Lincoln Dr | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Anderson's Dale Restaurant | 480-948-7760 | 6316 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Andre's Radisson Resort & Spa Scottsdal | 480-905-2820 | 7171 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Cafe Citron | 480-948-5105 | 6166 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Cal Doubletree Hotels La Posada Resor | 602-952-0420 | 4949 E Lincoln Dr | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Dairy Queen | 480-991-0198 | 10263 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Denny's Restaurant | 480-483-4768 | 10340 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Desert View Deli & Breakfast | 480-419-0168 | 29847 N Cave Creek Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
El Chorro Lodge | 480-948-5170 | 5550 E Lincoln Dr | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
El Torito Mexican Restaurant & Ca | 480-948-8376 | 6200 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Elements | 480-607-2300 | 5700 E McDonald Dr | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Ernie's Inn | 480-948-4422 | 10443 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Hackers Bar and Grille | 480-609-9777 | 10321 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Hapa Restaurant | 480-998-8220 | 6204 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
La Locanda Ristorante Italiano | 480-998-2822 | 10201 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Lon's at the Hermosa | 602-955-7878 | 5532 N Palo Cristi Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Paradise Bakery Inc | 480-951-2500 | 8777 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 302 | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Rio Brazialian Steakhouse | 480-991-1952 | 10425 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Spectrum Cafe | 480-367-1693 | 6720 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 175 | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
Thaifoon Taste of Asia | 480-998-0011 | 8777 N Scottsdale Rd | Paradise Valley | AZ | 85253 |
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