Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Phoenix, AZ 85003
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Phoenix AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Benihana of Tokyo | 480-444-0068 | 16403 N Scottsdale | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Blimpie Subs & Salads | 602-254-9122 | 130 N 1st Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Burger King | 602-254-7088 | 1st Street & Washing | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
City Hall Grill | 602-462-5547 | 200 W Washington St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Coney Island Pita Subs & Salads | 602-253-0292 | 16 W Adams St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Court House Cafe | 602-258-9248 | 111 W Monroe St Ste 300 | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Crazy Jim's Restuarant | 602-254-6550 | 305 W Washington St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Dairy Queen | 602-996-4565 | 4450 E Cactus Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Denny's Restaurant | 602-992-8187 | Cave Creek & Cactus | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Elportal Restaurant The | 602-271-0521 | 117 W Grant St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Fiesta Garibaldi | 602-442-7937 | 2716 N 35 Ave | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Hmi Vending | 602-262-2321 | 101 W Jefferson St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Honey Bears Bbq | 480-222-2782 | 7670 S Priest | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Jack in the Box Drive Thru | 602-253-8666 | 132 W McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Kirin Wok | 602-252-3884 | 15 W Jefferson St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
La Canasta Mexican Restaurants | 602-242-4252 | N 7th Avenue & Missour | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
La Canasta Mexican Restaurants | 602-254-7295 | S 7th Avenue & Grant S | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
La Canasta Mexican Restaurants | 602-258-0769 | 17th Avenue & Van Bu | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
La Canasta Mexican Restaurants | 602-278-7097 | 25th Avenue & Van Bu | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
La Canasta Mexican Restaurants | 602-269-2101 | 39th Avenue & Indian | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Lo Lo's Chicken & Waffles | 602-340-1304 | 10 W Yuma St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Mariscos Chihuahua | 602-255-0489 | 502 W McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 602-956-7710 | 24 Saint & Osborn | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Monroe's Downtown | 602-258-1182 | 3 W Monroe St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
My Florist Cafe | 602-254-0333 | 530 W McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Obachine | 602-955-9653 | 2500 Camelback Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Portland's Restaurant | 602-795-6315 | 105 W Portland St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Schlotzsky's Deli | 602-253-3333 | 1 W Jefferson St | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Shogun Restaurant | 602-953-3264 | Cactus & Tatum | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Turf Paradise Race Course | 602-942-1101 | 19 Avenue & Bell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
Willo Baking Company The | 602-254-0005 | 534 W McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85003 |
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