Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Phoenix, AZ 85008
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Phoenix AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 602-952-0033 | 2547 N 44th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Bill Johnson's Big Apple Restauran | 602-275-2107 | 3757 E Van Buren St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Blimpie Subs & Salads | 602-840-6250 | 2303 N 44th St Ste 16 | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Blue Moon Restaurant & Lounge | 602-267-0005 | 2911 E Van Buren St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Canton Wong #3 | 602-778-9112 | 2545 N 32nd St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Del Taco | 602-275-0005 | 1628 N 44th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Dirty Drummer The | 602-840-2726 | 2303 N 44th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Doubletree Guest Suites Phoenix Airport | 602-225-0500 | 320 N 44th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
El Nuevo Taquito | 602-392-0506 | 3237 E McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Eliana's Restaurant | 602-225-2925 | 1627 N 24th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
International House of Pancakes | 602-808-9380 | 2501 N 44th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Jack in the Box | 602-225-9850 | 4129 E Van Buren St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Jack in the Box Drive Thru | 602-275-0303 | 4741 E McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Jack in the Box Drive Thru | 602-244-8860 | 1001 N 24th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Los Jarritos Restaurant | 602-275-1770 | 4630 E Van Buren St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Sonic Drive-In | 602-231-0665 | 5002 E McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Souper Salad | 602-840-5686 | 2651 N 44th St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Subway | 602-225-0336 | 5024 E McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Viva Maria Tex-Mex | 602-381-1484 | 2822 N 32nd St | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
Whataburger Restaurants | 602-275-6073 | 3218 E McDowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85008 |
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