Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Apache Junction, AZ 85219
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Apache Junction AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Al's Automotive | 480-983-7008 | 2220 S Idaho Rd | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
Arizona Automotive Equipment | 480-649-4407 | 5234 E Roundup St | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
Arizona Collision Repair Solution | 480-982-9522 | 1442 E 18th Ave | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
Arizona Desert Star Autom | 480-671-3156 | 1725 E 12th Ave | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
Diamond Custom Automotive Repa | 480-671-5766 | 725 E 36th Ave | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
E & C Mobile Mechanic | 480-671-4335 | 1303 E 18th Ave | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
East Valley Mobile Mechanic | 480-671-0304 | 1557 E 18th Ave | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
First Choice Auto | 480-474-0670 | 564 N Idaho Rd Ste 5 | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
John Bean Co Tec Services | 480-982-3229 | 578 S Vista Rd | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
Linx Auto Body | 480-474-8378 | 1372 E 18th Ave | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
National Auto Service Centers | 480-982-3331 | 1900 E Windsong St | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
Randall's & Sons Auto Collision & 24 | 480-671-3415 | 1361 E 18th Ave | Apache Junction | AZ | 85219 |
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