Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Camping in Prescott, AZ 86303
* Each listing below of Camping Information for Prescott AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arizona Church Conference Cent | 602-256-6021 | 1131 Country Club Dr | Prescott | AZ | 86303 |
Arizona's Friendly Pines Camp 66th | 928-445-2128 | 933 E Friendly Pines Rd | Prescott | AZ | 86303 |
Camp Charles Pearlstein | 928-778-0091 | 3400 W Copper Basin Rd | Prescott | AZ | 86303 |
Camp Pinerock Nazarene District Center | 623-465-5939 | 1400 Pine Dr | Prescott | AZ | 86303 |
Canyon Retreat Mobile Home Park | 928-445-3820 | 2375 Valentine Dr | Prescott | AZ | 86303 |
Pine Summit Bible Camp & Conference Ce | 928-778-2861 | 800 E Wolf Creek Rd | Prescott | AZ | 86303 |
Prescott Pines Baptist Camp & Conferen | 928-445-5225 | 855 E Schoolhouse Gulch Rd | Prescott | AZ | 86303 |
United Christian Youth | 928-445-0391 | 1400 Paradise Valley Rd | Prescott | AZ | 86303 |
Ymca Camps Sky Y & Chauncey Ranch | 928-445-1385 | 5725 S Senator Hwy | Prescott | AZ | 86303 |
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