Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Prescott, AZ 86301
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Prescott AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aletheia Classical Christian Schoo | 928-778-2538 | 137 N Marina St | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
American Evangelical Lutheran Church | 928-445-4348 | 1085 Scott Dr | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Calvary Chapel | 928-778-4003 | 2313 E State Route 69 | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Central Baptist Church | 928-778-1946 | 520 W Delano Ave | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Christian Science Church | 928-445-1710 | 410 E Gurley St | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Church of Christ Pleasant Valley | 928-445-2303 | 2820 Willow Creek Rd | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Church of Christ Prescott | 928-776-4035 | 1495 E Rosser St | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 928-776-7292 | 1001 Ruth St | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
First Lutheran Church Wels | 928-445-2807 | 231 W Smoke Tree Ln | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Heights Church | 928-445-1421 | 2121 E Larry Caldwell Dr | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 928-772-8445 | Mile High Middle Sch | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Miller Valley Baptist Church | 928-778-0507 | 815 Whipple St | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Mount Vernon Church of Christ | 928-445-5190 | 120 N Mount Vernon Ave | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Potter's House Christian Cente | 928-541-1390 | 5195 N US Highway 89 | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Prescott Community Church Rca | 928-445-8008 | 3151 Willow Creek Rd | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Prescott Free Methodist Church | 928-445-4780 | 2797 Willow Creek Rd | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Rock the American Evangelical Lut | 928-541-1044 | 655 Talwatha Dr | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Wilhoit Southern Baptist Church | 928-442-9505 | Walden Blvd | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
Willow Hills First Southern Baptis | 928-445-5520 | 1071 Mogollon Rd | Prescott | AZ | 86301 |
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