Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Yuma, AZ 85364
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Yuma AZ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Church Inc | 928-376-7808 | 1648 S 5th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Bethania Assembly of God Church | 928-783-2820 | 3615 W 8th St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Calvary Chapel of Yuma | 928-343-4045 | 24th St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Calvary Lutheran Church Lcms | 928-783-3024 | 711 S 7th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Central Church of Christ | 928-344-3750 | 651 W 28th St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Champion Christian Church | 928-783-7574 | 2241 S Avenue A Ste 7 | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Christian Science Reading Room & | 928-782-1278 | 248 S 1st Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Church of Christ | 928-783-5853 | 5 Avenue 12 St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 928-539-7247 | 4300 W 16th St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Desert Fire | 928-783-8060 | 1002 S 4th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Elohim Baptist Church | 928-782-3800 | 900 W 3rd St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Faith Baptist Church | 928-343-1418 | 699 S Avenue B | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
First Baptist Ministries | 928-783-0133 | 300 S 4th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
First Presbyterian Church | 928-782-9817 | 598 S 7th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
First United Methodist Church | 928-783-3674 | 298 W 3rd St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Gateway Preparatory Academy | 928-783-3530 | 645 S 2nd Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Harvest Power Group | 928-783-3862 | 335 S 2nd Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Iglesia Bautista Conservadora | 928-782-2831 | 906 S Avenue A | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witne | 928-329-8556 | 1051 S Avenue A | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Korean American Presbyterian Ch | 928-314-1270 | 2475 S Maple Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Lutes Gretna Green Wedding Chapel | 928-783-4301 | 500 W 1st St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 928-329-9973 | 221 N 12th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Morningside Southern Baptist Church | 928-344-2360 | 2900 S 8th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Oasis Church | 928-539-1992 | 1545 S Avenue C | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Pentecostal Temple Church | 928-782-2024 | 345 S 15th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Potter's House Christian Churc | 928-783-1700 | 902 S 6th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Prince of Peace Ev Lutheran Church | 928-726-8716 | 2500 S 8th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Rock Church | 928-314-0142 | 770 W 7th St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Science of Mind in Yuma | 928-782-7885 | 781 S 2nd Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Second Missionary Baptist Church | 928-782-1987 | 325 S 14th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
The River | 928-376-6771 | 1535 S 8th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 928-344-3013 | 3030 S 8th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Truth Baptist Church | 928-344-3911 | 308 S 23rd Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Union Baptist Church | 928-782-5384 | 358 S 8th Ave | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
Valley Baptist Church | 928-782-1259 | 3830 W 8th St | Yuma | AZ | 85364 |
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