Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Architects in Oakland, CA 94607
* Each listing below of Architects Information for Oakland CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ace Architects | 510-452-0775 | 330 2nd St Fl 1 | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Avelar Richard & Associates | 510-893-5501 | 318 Harrison St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Chang Henry Jr Associates Inc | 510-832-5816 | 303 10th St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Coburn William P Aia | 510-893-8826 | 1224 Center St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Davidson & Seals Architects | 510-658-7010 | 383 4th St Ste 201 | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Eshima Takane Murakami Nelson Architec | 510-444-7959 | 100 Filbert St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Fernandez Ed Architect | 510-444-2288 | 580 2nd St Ste 275 | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
George Dedekian Architect | 510-452-0670 | 201 4th St Apt 304 | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Gyroscope | 510-986-0111 | 620 3rd St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Hardison Komatsu Ivelich & Tucke | 415-541-0811 | 538 9th St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Iyama Partnership | 510-836-4726 | 160 Franklin St Ste 201 | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Jang Colland Architect | 510-839-2820 | 211 10th St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Keller Mitchell & Co Landscape Arch | 510-451-9987 | 302 4th St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Kodama Steven Y | 510-268-0188 | 481 9th St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Martynetz Alexandra Architect Plann | 510-763-4332 | 110 Linden St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Mitchell & Riera Architects | 510-663-2144 | 97 Linden St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Powell & Partners Architects | 510-663-3800 | 807 Broadway | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Remick Associates | 510-893-5500 | 1025 3rd St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Shah Kawasaski Architects Inc | 510-663-6090 | 312 Clay St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Soizic Architecture | 510-271-0837 | 300 Broadway | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Thomas Dolan Architecture | 510-839-7200 | 173 Filbert St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Tsui Design Laboratory | 510-452-0255 | 2251 Poplar St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Twelve13 Architecture and Design | 510-208-3791 | 1924 Union St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
Willis Michael Architects | 510-287-9710 | 471 9th St | Oakland | CA | 94607 |
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