Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Alameda, CA 94501
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Alameda CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alameda Evening Law Clinic | 510-865-2038 | 2509 Santa Clara Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Aljoe Trisha Atty | 510-523-2028 | 2815 Fernside Blvd | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Berg Injury Lawyers | 510-523-3200 | 2440 Santa Clara Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Boli Michael L Atty | 510-749-9001 | 1815 Clement Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Caron & Eastridge L L P | 510-521-8748 | 2143 Alameda Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Catherine R Douat & Associates | 510-337-9494 | 1801 Clement Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Chapman & Intrieri | 510-864-3600 | 2236 Mariner Square Dr Ste 300 | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Cline Charles | 510-814-0339 | 1325 High St | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Courts Kathleen Mitchell & Cour | 510-523-5272 | 1001 Marina Village Pkwy | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Day Mack Marilyn Atty | 510-522-6115 | 313 Coral Reef Rd | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Duncan Matthew J Law Offices of | 510-769-8311 | 1516 Oak St Ste 225 | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Falzone Gerard A Russum W Lance Lawoffi | 510-522-6900 | 2500 Santa Clara Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Goodroe H Wayne Law Office of | 510-521-8111 | 2527 Santa Clara Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Hanson Briggs Law Group P C | 510-521-9181 | 2247 Central Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Hanson John F Atty | 510-521-4575 | 2425 Webb Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Harrison Elaine J Law Offices of | 510-865-4461 | 1336 Park St Ste F | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Jeffries Susan L Llm | 510-865-6664 | 2121 Central Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Johnson Beverly J | 510-865-1138 | 1516 Oak St Ste 220 | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Johnson Kristin L Atty | 510-523-9100 | 1826 Clement Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Kennedy James T Law Office of | 510-522-3235 | 2447 Santa Clara Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Kessler Leslie M Kessler & Kessl | 510-814-6600 | 1000 Marina Village Pkwy Ste 130 | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Kirby Donald A Attorney at Law | 510-769-9522 | 2019 Clement Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Kirk Jeffery Law Offices | 510-522-0822 | 1414 Park Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Law Office of Stonehouse & Si | 510-865-7350 | 512 Westline Dr Ste 300 | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Mahoney John Attorney at Law | 510-522-3200 | 1720 Palmera Ct | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Picetti Lawrence P Atty at Law | 510-865-0441 | PO Box 2463 | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Reid Warren G Atty | 510-864-9925 | 1901 Alameda Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Runnion Fred Atty | 510-521-1403 | 2310 Alameda Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Sullivan Thomas P Inc Brown & Sulliva | 510-521-1211 | 1051 Pacific Marina | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
The Law Office of Steven G Rosenb | 510-865-5016 | 1826 Clement Ave Ste 150 | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
Watchorn Cynthia Atty | 510-769-1326 | 1412 San Jose Ave | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
White Cheryl L & Associates | 510-523-4111 | 1136 Ballena Blvd | Alameda | CA | 94501 |
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