Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Oakland, CA 94611
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Oakland CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berger Michael R Atty | 510-834-4511 | 3306 Harrison St | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Brandt Craig A Attorney at Law | 510-652-2974 | 39 Ramona Ave | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Dovidio Kathleen Ann Attorney at Law | 510-654-5838 | 4191 Gilbert St | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Endsley Harry B & Associates | 510-339-6115 | 5709 Grisborne Ave | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Family Law and Mediation Servi | 510-652-0220 | 1865 Pleasant Valley Ave | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Farley B Suzanne Attorney at Law | 510-652-8291 | 7 King Ave | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Hand James L Law Office of | 510-595-4200 | 500 Oakland Ave | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Hendricks Norman B Atty | 510-547-4450 | 934 Rose Ave | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Johnston Richard E Atty | 510-832-1999 | 119 Dudley Ave | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Neal & Associates | 510-339-0233 | 6200 Antioch St Ste 202 | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Skamser & Associates | 510-594-1427 | 16024 Broadway Ter | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
Tarnoff Shelley M Attorney at Law | 510-482-2071 | 159 Saint James Dr | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
White David Attorney at Law | 510-547-6869 | 5801 Florence Ter | Oakland | CA | 94611 |
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