Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Oakland, CA 94605
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Oakland CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Annoited Hands Beauty & Barber Salon | 510-568-5578 | 6635 Bancroft Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Barbara's Beauty Spot Located I Qn's | 510-430-2580 | 8616 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Barbara's Final Touch | 510-568-1547 | 5859 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Candy's Beauty Island | 510-635-6870 | 5844 Bancroft Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Cathy's Beauty Salon | 510-635-0643 | 3920 Edwards Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Class of Braids | 510-383-9595 | 6016 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Cultural Design Hair Salon & Beauty | 510-633-0375 | 2824 Havenscourt Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
De-Lay Tik Hair Salon | 510-568-0546 | 2766 73rd Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Ebony Ivory Salon | 510-632-5226 | 8878 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Ezell's House of Styles | 510-444-7025 | 3464 Margarita Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Greta's Personal Touch Beauty Salon | 510-569-4624 | 8609 Bancroft Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Hair Styles by Claraissa | 510-777-0090 | 6652 Bancroft Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Heavenly Hands | 510-569-3933 | 2530 60th Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Her Glory and More Beauty Salon | 510-638-7895 | 6137 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Mane Taming Hair Salon | 510-638-8263 | 10067 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Marcella's Concepts of Beauty | 510-635-8768 | 6345 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Ms Vicki's Hairworks | 510-635-2621 | 5942 Macarthur Blvd Ste E | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Myeshious Most Wanted | 510-383-2937 | 9960 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Omar Hari Designs | 510-430-2820 | 6631 Bancroft Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Overnight Sensation | 510-632-6260 | 2734 73rd Ave | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Platinum Hair | 510-636-0956 | 9634 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Platinum Plus Hair Studio | 510-633-2010 | 5851 Foothill Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Rosena's Beauty Salon | 510-638-9932 | 6688 Foothill Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Shandle Beauty Island | 510-261-1470 | 5624 Foothill Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Studio 108 | 510-635-9256 | 10833 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Telegraph Beauty Supply & Salon Inc | 510-635-8901 | 10247 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Teray's No 1 Beauty Shop | 510-430-2996 | 10815 Macarthur Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Touch of Magic A | 510-639-4886 | 5930 Foothill Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
Vigi 111 the Hair Clinic & Salon | 510-568-2584 | 3660 Oak Knoll Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94605 |
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