Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fremont, CA 94538
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fremont CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Chapel Fremont | 510-656-8979 | 40645 Fremont Blvd | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Center for Positive Living | 510-656-9955 | 40155 Blacow Rd | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 510-656-7522 | 42500 Gatewood St | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Comunidad Cristiana De Fe Y Amor | 510-623-8905 | 41020 Chapel Way | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Crossroads Church | 510-651-0301 | 41386 Fremont Blvd | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Fremont Asian Christian Church | 510-795-2828 | 39174 State St | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church | 510-656-0900 | 4211 Carol Ave | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Harvest House Church | 510-656-2335 | 42055 Blacow Rd | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Living Water Asian Outreach Minist | 510-623-1318 | 42151 Blacow Rd | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Memorial Baptist Church | 510-657-5522 | 4467 Stevenson Blvd | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Mission Peak Baptist Church | 510-656-5311 | 41354 Roberts Ave | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
Vedic Dharma Samaj | 510-659-0655 | 3676 Delaware Dr | Fremont | CA | 94538 |
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