Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oakland, CA 94606
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oakland CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Fellowship Missionary Bapt | 510-444-9626 | 1520 8th Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Church of All Faiths | 510-452-2578 | 2100 5th Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Church of Christ | 510-532-9434 | 1300 E 24th St | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
East Bay Korean Baptist Church | 510-533-3022 | 2000 E 12th St | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Evangelist Outreach Association | 510-533-5476 | 1743 Foothill Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Everett Chapel Ame Church | 510-535-1190 | 2273 E 23rd St | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
First Spanish Baptist Church | 510-533-5045 | 1660 23rd Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
First Trinity Lutheran Church | 510-534-1630 | 1431 17th Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Foothill Missionary Baptist Church | 510-534-0133 | 1530 Foothill Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Glad Tidings Community Church | 510-532-5743 | 1800 E 12th St | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Grace Temple Missionary Baptist Church | 510-532-7788 | 1433 12th Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Israelite Baptist Church | 510-536-3155 | 2043 E 21st St | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Korean Baptist Church | 510-534-3625 | 1216 21st Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Korean United Methodist Church Oakland | 510-451-9076 | 737 E 17th St | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Lake Merritt United Methodist Churc | 510-465-4793 | 1330 Lakeshore Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Lakeside Baptist Church & Ethnic Minist | 510-444-4990 | 219 E 15th St | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Lakeside Temple of Practical Chris | 510-834-8852 | 144 Athol Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Mount Calvary Missionary Bapt | 510-532-0086 | 1445 23rd Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
New Mt Herman Missionary Bapt | 510-261-7470 | 1649 12th Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Regeneration | 510-649-9999 | 238 E 15th St | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Seventh Ave Baptist Church | 510-444-9875 | 1740 7th Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Victory Christian Fellowship | 510-535-1725 | 2149 E 23rd St | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
Williams Chapel Baptist Church | 510-835-5621 | 1410 10th Ave | Oakland | CA | 94606 |
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