Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oakland, CA 94612
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oakland CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 510-452-0883 | 1749 Broadway | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 510-832-2364 | 1701 Franklin St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Church of Christ | 510-836-4164 | 531 25th St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Ethiopian Community Center | 510-268-1004 | 1815 Jefferson St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Fellowship of Humanity | 510-451-5818 | 390 27th St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
First Baptist Church of Oakland | 510-832-4326 | 534 22nd St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Greater St Paul Missionary Bapt | 510-452-0803 | 1827 Martin Luther King J | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
House of Prayer Evangelistic Ce | 510-763-3581 | 306 15th St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Islamic Center of Northern Califo | 510-832-7600 | 1433 Madison St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Joshua Christian Church | 510-834-8352 | 793 W Grand Ave | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Korean Community Christian Churc | 510-452-3777 | 2505 Telegraph Ave | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Miraculous Word Christian Cente | 510-419-0405 | 2723 San Pablo Ave | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church | 510-893-9245 | 659 16th St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Praise Temple Community Church Thrift S | 510-452-2525 | 2525 Telegraph Ave | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Progressive Mt Olive Baptist Church | 510-465-2727 | 2100 West St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Second Bethel Missionary Bapt | 510-832-0613 | 2325 Martin Luther King J | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
St Andrews Missionary Baptist Church | 510-465-8023 | 2624 West St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
True Faith Baptist Church | 510-836-0909 | 626 W Grand Ave | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
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