Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Leandro, CA 94577
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Leandro CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Faith Non Denominational | 510-483-2132 | 501 Joaquin Ave | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
Bay Area Family Church | 510-483-4712 | 2305 Washington Ave | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
Broadmoor Com Church | 510-568-0402 | 301 Dowling Blvd | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
Church of Christ of San Leandro | 510-568-7062 | 601 Macarthur Blvd | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
East Bay Baptist Association | 510-613-8160 | 1221 Pacific Ave | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
Emmaus Correspondence Schools | 510-568-2488 | 401 Macarthur Blvd | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
First Presbyterian Church of San L | 510-483-2772 | 180 Estudillo Ave | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
First United Methodist Church of San L | 510-483-0606 | 1600 Bancroft Ave | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
Fundamental Gospel Baptist Church | 510-635-3422 | 618 Victoria Ct | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
Grace Counseling Service | 510-276-1987 | 162D Avenue & Mateo | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
Heritage Baptist Church | 510-357-7023 | 2960 Merced St | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
Kristan Bible Church | 510-635-0143 | 897 Macarthur Blvd | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
Revelation Christian Fellowship | 510-352-4707 | 1670 Orchard Ave | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
St Peter's Lutheran Church | 510-638-7017 | Broadmoor Bl & Breed | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
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