Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Oakland, CA 94612
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Oakland CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alameda County Taxpayers Assoc | 510-893-3341 | 1305 Franklin St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Bay Area Black Nurses Assn Inc | 510-287-5622 | 1440 Broadway Ste 209 | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Bay Area Transportation and Land Coalit | 510-740-3150 | 414 13th St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame Inc | 510-465-0804 | 410 14th St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
California Assoc for Microenterprise | 510-238-8360 | 655 13th St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Disabled American Veterans | 510-834-2921 | 1301 Clay St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
East Bay Habitat for Humanity | 510-251-6304 | 2619 Broadway | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
National Association of State & Local E | 510-986-1350 | 1970 Broadway Ste 250 | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Northern California Council of Blck | 510-893-6426 | 408 14th St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Oakland Heritage Alliance | 510-763-9218 | 444 17th St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Occur | 510-839-2440 | 1330 Broadway Ste 1030 | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
Service Employees International U | 510-452-4357 | 1433 Webster St | Oakland | CA | 94612 |
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