* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for San Leandro CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assumption School of San Leandro The | 510-357-8772 | 1100 Fulton Ave | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
San Leandro Unified School District | 510-667-3580 | 13050 Aurora Dr | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
San Leandro Unified School District | 510-667-3591 | 1150 Bancroft Ave | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
San Leandro Unified School District | 510-667-3586 | 250 Dutton Ave | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
San Leandro Unified School District | 510-667-3582 | 2150 E 14th St | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
San Leandro Unified School District | 510-667-3587 | 1300 Williams St | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
San Leandro Unified School District | 510-667-3573 | 1444 Williams St | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |
St Leander School | 510-351-4144 | 451 Davis St | San Leandro | CA | 94577 |