Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oroville, CA 95966
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oroville CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church | 530-533-7320 | 2377 Foothill Blvd | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
East Hill Church | 530-589-3170 | 108 Strawflower Ln | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Father's House The | 530-534-4140 | 2655 Elgin St | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
First Baptist Church | 530-533-6197 | 2661 Yard St | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
First United Methodist Church of Orovi | 530-534-9455 | 45 Acacia Ave | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Foothill Boulevard Church of Chris | 530-533-4786 | 2295 Foothill Blvd | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Foothill Community Church Free Met | 530-533-0912 | 2475 Foothill Blvd | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Free Trinity Church of Oroville | 530-534-5458 | | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Kelly Ridge Country Club | 530-589-5772 | 5131 Royal Oaks Dr | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Matthews James Rev | 530-532-1238 | 2715 Florence Ave | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
New Home Missionary Baptist Church | 530-534-6518 | 4380 Lower Wyandotte Rd | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 530-533-7692 | 5640 Lincoln Blvd | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Olive Hill Missionary Baptist Church | 530-533-7704 | 200 Executive Pkwy | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Oro-Vista Baptist Church | 530-533-8900 | 2725 Florence Ave | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Oroville Church of Religious Scien | 530-589-9719 | 5250 Olive Hwy | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Presbyterian Church Trinity | 530-534-0354 | 2350 Foothill Blvd | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
Trinity Bible Church | 530-533-6489 | 3115 Myers St | Oroville | CA | 95966 |
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