Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Concord, CA 94519
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Concord CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 925-798-7470 | 3578 Clayton Rd | Concord | CA | 94519 |
Calvary Apostolic Chrch Upc | 925-689-2542 | 3425 Concord Blvd | Concord | CA | 94519 |
Chestnut Avenue Community Churc | 925-686-1400 | 3525 Chestnut Ave | Concord | CA | 94519 |
Christian Service Brigade | 925-689-7618 | 2952 Euclid Ave | Concord | CA | 94519 |
First Baptist Church of Concord | 925-685-5710 | 3033 Bonifacio St | Concord | CA | 94519 |
Grace Freewill Baptist Church | 925-676-5856 | 2875 The Alameda | Concord | CA | 94519 |
Islamic Center of Contra Costa | 925-682-4222 | 2836 Clayton Rd | Concord | CA | 94519 |
Lutheran First Church Missouri Synod | 925-671-9942 | 4000 Concord Blvd | Concord | CA | 94519 |
St Michael and All Angels' Epispal | 925-685-8859 | 2925 Bonifacio St | Concord | CA | 94519 |
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