Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Antioch, CA 94509
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Antioch CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Adult School | 925-706-5365 | 820 W 2nd St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Christian School | 925-778-1639 | 415 W 6th St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch High School | 925-706-5300 | 700 W 18th St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Middle School | 925-706-5316 | 1500 D St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-4130 | 1310 August Way | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-5200 | 4207 Delta Fair Blvd | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-4101 | 1413 F St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-5224 | 1708 F St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-4100 | 510 G St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-4110 | 2304 G St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-4120 | 615 Greystone Dr | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-4146 | 3410 Longview Rd | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-5210 | 1711 Mission Dr | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-4140 | 2801 Roosevelt Ln | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-706-5314 | 1 Spartan Way | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Antioch Unified School District | 925-755-1252 | 1201 W 10th St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Holy Rosary School | 925-757-1270 | 1313 A St | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
Stepping Stones Academy | 925-754-2209 | 330 Worrell Rd | Antioch | CA | 94509 |
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