Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fresno, CA 93710
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fresno CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist State Offices Southern | 559-229-9533 | 678 E Shaw Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Cbmc Inc | 559-225-5095 | 5150 N 6th St Ste 130 | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Church for Today | 559-324-0406 | 6702 N Cedar Ave Ste 201 | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Church of Living Water | 559-446-1444 | 614 E Bullard Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Church of Scientology Central V Msn A | 559-438-1588 | 6469 N Blackstone Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
College Church of Christ | 559-439-6530 | 1284 E Bullard Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
First Chinese Baptist Church | 559-438-0303 | 6080 N Angus St | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Fresno Korean Baptist Church | 559-447-9007 | 122 E Escalon Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Hope Lutheran Church | 559-439-4320 | 364 E Barstow Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Life Enrichment Center | 559-348-0278 | 2767 E Shaw Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Lutheran Campus Ministry | 559-224-9051 | 2311 E Shaw Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Sierra Heights Baptist Church | 559-435-2333 | 6385 N Fresno St | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
University Presbyterian Church | 559-439-8807 | 1776 E Roberts Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Valley Chinese Baptist Church | 559-227-4249 | 2305 E Menlo Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 559-224-1947 | 1343 E Barstow Ave | Fresno | CA | 93710 |
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