Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fresno, CA 93727
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fresno CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Family Renewal | 559-347-9324 | 4196 Ralph Ln N | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Deliverance House of Prayer | 559-252-2444 | 4941 E McKinley Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
East Fresno Baptist Church | 559-251-3521 | 165 N Clovis Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Easterby Knox Presbyterian Ch | 559-255-6236 | 5136 E Belmont Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 559-255-4237 | 4863 E Tulare Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Harmony Child Care Center | 559-251-5630 | 5372 E Belmont Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Hmong Alliance Church of Fresno | 559-252-5823 | 8234 E Belmont Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Mbms International | 559-251-1432 | 4867 E Townsend Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Mennonite Brethren Biblical Semina | 559-251-2135 | 4824 E Butler Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Mennonite Brethren Foundation | 559-458-7208 | 4812 E Butler Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Southpoint Fourspuare Church | 559-455-1119 | 5391 E Tulare Ave | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
Sunnyside Baptist Church | 559-255-5673 | 6269 E Kings Canyon Rd | Fresno | CA | 93727 |
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