Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fortuna, CA 95540
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fortuna CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Campton Heights Baptist Church | 707-725-2650 | 1655 Cecil Ave | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
First Baptist Church of Fortuna | 707-725-2595 | 1976 Scenic Dr | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
Fortuna United Methodist Churc | 707-725-4914 | 922 N St | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
Foursquare Church Wood Street Chapel | 707-725-5507 | 1649 Wood St | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
Jesus Rocks | 707-725-9252 | 3230 Briarwood | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
Lutheran Church Lc Ms Hope Hope Luthr | 707-725-4705 | 1480 Ross Hill Rd | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Elca | 707-725-2995 | 2132 Smith Ln | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
Pentecostals of South Humboldt | 707-725-2627 | 2434 Newburg Rd | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
Presbyterian Church of the Redeemer | 707-725-5006 | 1431 Ross Hill Rd | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
Redwood Christian Fellowship | 707-725-3191 | 750 13th St | Fortuna | CA | 95540 |
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