Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Furniture in Eureka, CA 95501
* Each listing below of Furniture Information for Eureka CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advantage Rental Purchase | 707-444-8251 | 535 4th St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Delta Mattress & Sofa Outlet Store | 707-442-4510 | 1631 4th St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Flores' Interiors | 707-443-2641 | 2407 Ohio St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Hi Valu Furniture & Appliance | 707-443-6903 | 410 5th St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Living Styles Fine Furniture Galle | 707-443-3161 | 2nd & A | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Marcella's Draperies Upholste | 707-442-7109 | 205 7th St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
McMahan's Furniture & Appliances | 707-443-7363 | 4th & H | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Moore David A Moore's Sleep World | 707-444-2337 | 3 5th St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Plaza Design | 707-441-1380 | 423 F St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Shafer's Ace Hardware | 707-442-5734 | 2760 E St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Vern's Furniture | 707-445-5421 | 515 G St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
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