Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Jewelers in Eureka, CA 95501
* Each listing below of Jewelers Information for Eureka CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abraxas Jewelers | 707-443-4638 | 425 3rd St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Allure Jewelers | 707-441-8830 | 412 2nd St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Eureka Trading Co | 707-443-2000 | 230 4th St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Graystone Jewelers | 707-442-1232 | First & E Sts | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Henderson Center Jeweler | 707-443-0100 | 2810 E St Ste B | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Humboldt Bay Trade & Pawn | 707-442-7777 | 1435 5th St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Jewelry Outlet-Alex's | 707-443-7235 | 531 4th St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Kokopilau | 707-268-0324 | 515 2nd St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Natural Resources Services of Rd | 707-442-5661 | 203 F St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Piercing Pagoda Inc | 707-444-9680 | 3300 Broadway St Ste 3513 | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Sugarfoot | 707-442-7044 | 320 2nd St Ste 2D | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
Ten Window Williams Jewelers | 707-442-2938 | 404 3rd St | Eureka | CA | 95501 |
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