Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Air Conditioning Services in Bakersfield, CA 93305
* Each listing below of Air Conditioning Services Information for Bakersfield CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A S F Acura Stainless Fabrication & P | 661-325-4098 | 501 E 19th St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Air Control Services | 661-327-8755 | 515 E 19th St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Airunited | 661-324-1771 | 513 E 19th St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
All Climate Air Conditioning & | 661-321-0620 | 512 E 19th St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Bacs Co | 661-327-3007 | 215 Sumner St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Cochran Mechanical Maintenance | 661-861-8888 | 615 Eureka St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Custom Aire | 661-325-0876 | 1210 Lake St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Oasis Air Conditioning Inc | 661-322-2665 | 1000 E Truxtun Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Pinuelas & Son's Sheet Metal | 661-637-0690 | 200 Hayden Ct | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Ragsdale Air Conditioning | 661-322-2449 | 1127 Sumner St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Silver Air Conditioning & Heating | 661-334-4830 | 2830 Union Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Slakey Brothers Inc | 661-861-9095 | 801 Miller St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
U S Air Conditioning Distributors | 661-322-7222 | 720 Williams St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
Ur United Refrigeration & Air Condition | 661-324-4727 | 511 E 19th St | Bakersfield | CA | 93305 |
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