Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bakersfield, CA 93304
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bakersfield CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor of Hope Outreach Center | 661-322-2323 | 926 8th St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Bakersfield Chinese Baptist Church | 661-832-8900 | 2309 Planz Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Bakersfield Community Church the Gard | 661-323-4162 | 2 P St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Bakersfield Muslim Center | 661-634-0518 | 1221 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Cain Memorial African Methodist Episc | 661-325-9224 | 630 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Campus Life | 661-323-9041 | 2131 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Central Baptist Church Bakersfield | 661-831-9055 | 203 S H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Central Church A Church of Christ | 661-832-7464 | 425 S H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Chester Avenue Community Churc | 661-831-7312 | 1509 S Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Christ Cathedral | 661-834-3311 | 2301 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Church of Christ | 661-832-5767 | 2215 Planz Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Church of Christ | 661-832-3365 | 1416 Wilson Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Church of the Brethren | 661-323-1011 | 327 A St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Church of the Living God C W F F | 661-323-6587 | 1001 8th St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Darrell's Auto Repair | 661-637-2000 | 927 Brundage Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Dayspring Christian Fellowship | 661-832-3271 | 710 Terrace Way | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Family Christian Fellowship Pent | 661-833-6744 | 2001 S K St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Fellowship for Christ | 661-831-7544 | 5609 S H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 661-835-9249 | 1604 Southgate Dr | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Flame of Fire Outreach | 661-327-4710 | 328 Eye St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Grace Assembly of God | 661-834-8411 | 2800 Larson Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Holland E D Rev Trinity Temple Church | 661-323-2145 | 1028 O St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Karen Baptist Fellowship Chur | 661-834-8650 | 2500 Fairview Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Mision Apostolica | 661-836-2296 | 2412 S Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 661-325-1978 | 825 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
New Bethal Missionary | 661-831-4746 | 1015 Castro Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
New Life Apostolic Church | 661-827-8110 | 3637 Hughes Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Plaza Christian Church | 661-832-7001 | 2600 Wilson Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Redeemer Lutheran Church | 661-832-7881 | 2525 Belle Ter | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
St Francis Religious Education | 661-323-8800 | 2516 Palm St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Tri-Stone Baptist Church | 661-324-8433 | 1031 M St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
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