Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bakersfield, CA 93308
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bakersfield CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All for Christ Baptist Church | 661-587-6335 | 7220 Rosedale Hwy | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Apostolic Lighthouse | 661-393-4550 | 101 Minner Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Bethany Lutheran Church Lcms | 661-399-3532 | 900 Day Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Calvary Bible Church | 661-327-5921 | 48 Manor St | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Calvary Full Gospel | 661-392-1533 | 222 Circle Dr | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Chapel of Grace The | 661-393-8668 | 613 Lincoln Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Church of Christ Riverview | 661-393-1973 | 241 E Roberts Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 661-393-3807 | 6201 Fruitvale Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 661-392-1547 | 2828 McCray St | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Coronado Baptist Church | 661-393-4098 | 516 Norris Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Doubletree Hotel Bakersfield | 661-323-7111 | 3100 Camino Del Rio Ct | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
First Bible Baptist Church | 661-393-1513 | 427 Woodrow Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 661-393-5141 | 1421 Wilson Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Harvest Christian Church | 661-393-2000 | 6228 Coffee Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Jesus' Name House of Prayer | 661-392-1530 | 1107 N Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
North Heights Baptist Church | 661-399-4521 | 3960 N Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
North Hills Community Church | 661-399-4883 | 823 Day Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
North of the River Free Will Baptist Ch | 661-392-0026 | 1808 N Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Oildale Church of Christ | 661-399-2741 | 2912 N Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Oildale Seventh Day Adventist Churc | 661-392-8582 | 612 Sharon Pl | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Olive Branch Community Church | 661-399-1338 | 1304 Oildale Dr | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Operation Fresh Start Apostolic Faith | 661-399-5462 | 325 McCord Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Petros Tubuler Services Inc | 661-323-3572 | 2211 Parker Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Riverview Southern Baptist Church | 661-399-4246 | 410 Beardsley Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
St Mark's United Methodist Churc | 661-399-0463 | 1510 McCray St | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Valley Baptist Church | 661-393-5683 | 4800 Fruitvale Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
Victory Chapel | 661-392-7232 | 800 Airport Dr | Bakersfield | CA | 93308 |
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