Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Shafter, CA 93263
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Shafter CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Assembly Church | 661-746-3648 | 30372 Richland Ave | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Church of Christ of Shafter | 661-746-2205 | 850 Minter Ave | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Ebenezer Reformed Church | 661-746-6907 | 235 James St | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
First Assembly of God | 661-746-3361 | 150 Elm St | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
First Mexican Baptist Church | 661-746-0734 | 285 E Lerdo Hwy | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
First Southern Baptist Church | 661-746-6774 | 250 Kern St | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Free Will Baptist Church | 661-746-6441 | 155 Redwood Dr | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
High Vision Ministry | 661-746-0804 | 201 S Central Valley Hwy | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Home Fellowship Church | 661-746-0597 | 520 California Ave | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Mennonite Brethren Church | 661-746-4969 | 400 Kern St | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Shafter Christian Fellowship | 661-746-4759 | 632 James St | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Shafter Missionary Baptist Church | 661-746-6640 | 202 Golden West Ave | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Shafter United Methodist Churc | 661-746-6647 | 350 W Lerdo Hwy | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Spanish Assembly of God | 661-746-6543 | 154 W Tulare Ave | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
Valley Bible Church | 661-746-3353 | 350 Pine St | Shafter | CA | 93263 |
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