Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Insurance in Bakersfield, CA 93304
* Each listing below of Insurance Information for Bakersfield CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ahmed Gamal Ins | 661-396-3660 | 218 S H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Allstate Insurance | 661-397-7323 | 1002 Wible Rd Ste F | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
American National Insurance Compa | 661-322-6118 | 2400 Brundage Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Bakersfield Premier Insurance Servi | 661-833-9100 | 317 S Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Blue Cross of California | 661-859-1000 | 1612 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Charpentier Insurance Services | 661-322-1888 | 525 H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Cingular Wireless by Prince Enterpri | 661-281-5600 | 1525 10th St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Cortez Hope V Insurance Agent | 661-334-1105 | 2415 Brundage Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Farmers Insurance | 661-835-9631 | 1213 S H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Khullar Insurance | 661-325-7555 | 301 H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Mp Insurance Services Llc | 661-325-7200 | 517 H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Rous John Ins Services | 661-834-0522 | 2009 Bradford St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
South Coast Auto Insurance | 661-636-0585 | 1220 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
State Farm Insurance | 661-398-5144 | 1410 Wible Rd Ste 107 | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
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