Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Bakersfield, CA 93304
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Bakersfield CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Andres Drive Inn No 2 | 661-322-0044 | 1419 Brundage Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Bar-B-Q Express | 661-832-2407 | 1907 S Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Burger King | 661-325-1114 | 3302 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Burger King Otss Enterprises | 661-836-1847 | 2508 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Carl's Jr Restaurants | 661-834-8646 | 2412 Ming Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Carl's Jr Restaurants | 661-836-3181 | 2400 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Carrows Family Restaurant | 661-322-8541 | 922 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Casa Burger Drive in | 661-831-6392 | 1435 Ming Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Chalet Basque | 661-327-2915 | 200 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Chinatown Buffet | 661-324-3189 | 1021 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Church's Chicken | 661-859-0595 | 1300 Brundage Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Country Kitchen | 661-834-8183 | 4020 El Potrero Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Del Taco | 661-827-1568 | 2518 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Denny's Restaurant | 661-831-6961 | 2851 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Diner's Smorgasborg | 661-325-5988 | 2309 Brundage Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Donna Kaye's Cafe | 661-322-1875 | 212 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
El Pollo Loco | 661-396-7939 | 2000 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Fiesta Burrito | 661-836-3135 | 2701 Ming Ave Ste F4 | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Frosty King | 661-395-3158 | 1300 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Frosty King | 661-831-0281 | 2625 S Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Hometown Buffet | 661-397-9363 | 4221 S H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
International House of Pancakes | 661-323-1197 | 1530 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
International House of Pancakes | 661-834-8110 | 1500 Wible Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Jack in the Box | 661-832-5942 | 3002 Ming Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Jack-In-The-Box | 661-861-8337 | 1200 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Johns Burgers | 661-324-8131 | 1000 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Jolly Kone Drive-In | 661-831-6344 | 2140 S Chester Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
La Cabana Restaurant | 661-633-9745 | 300 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
La Mina Mexican Restaurant | 661-322-1087 | 354 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
La Mina Mexican Restaurant | 661-832-1231 | 2180 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
La Villa Restaurant | 661-396-1967 | 2540 Wible Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Los Tacos | 661-631-9011 | 1431 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Los Tacos | 661-836-8226 | 1400 Wible Rd | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 661-397-5836 | 2300 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 661-834-8560 | 2701 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Nagi's Burgers | 661-322-6266 | 400 Brundage Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Panda Palace | 661-325-8888 | 118 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Panda Wok | 661-836-9918 | 2150 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Pantry | 661-322-2686 | 2200 Brundage Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Ralene's Filipino Cuisine | 661-322-9200 | 704 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Sonic Drive in Restaurant | 661-396-9100 | 2031 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 661-324-7827 | 710 Oak St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 661-837-4199 | 2200 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Taco Bell | 661-637-1032 | 15 S H St | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 661-322-1835 | 3200 California Ave | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 661-836-3897 | 1877 White Ln | Bakersfield | CA | 93304 |
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